Camping facility is a developed area or site equipped with tent pad or clearing, garbage disposal, fireplace ring, picnic table, toilet facilities, and a water supply where a public can erect a tent or shelter or park a vehicle for the purpose of remaining overnight.

Other definition:

Camping means Erecting a tent or shelter or arranging bedding or both, or parking a recreational vehicle or other vehicles for the purpose of remaining overnite

Ref: 122298/2006-09-19

Other definition:

Camping means Services and space and equipment provided for an outdoor recreational activity involving the spending of one or more nights in a tent, primitive structure, a travel trailer or recreational vehicle at a campsite with the purpose of getting away from civilization and enjoying nature.

Ref: 84569/2006-08-20

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Trailer (Trailer a device that makes it possible to tow a ...)
Civilization (The word civilization refers to a condition of ...)
Facility (Facility means a contiguous facility, a pipeline ...)

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