Glossary C
Deutsch: Bargeld / Español: Efectivo / Português: Dinheiro / Français: Argent liquide / Italiano: Contante
Cash in the industrial context refers to liquid financial resources available for immediate use in business operations, including purchasing raw materials, paying employees, and covering operational expenses. It plays a crucial role in financial stability, liquidity management, and investment decisions within various industries.
Deutsch: Wettbewerbsfähigkeit / Español: Competitividad / Português: Competitividade / Français: Compétitivité / Italiano: Competitività
Competitiveness in the industrial context refers to a company's or industry's ability to produce goods and services efficiently while maintaining or improving its market position. It is influenced by factors such as cost efficiency, innovation, productivity, supply chain management, and regulatory compliance. High competitiveness allows industries to attract investment, increase exports, and sustain long-term growth.
Deutsch: Bauindustrie / Español: Industria de la construcción / Português: Indústria da construção / Français: Industrie de la construction / Italiano: Industria delle costruzioni
Construction industry refers to the sector of the economy involved in designing, building, and maintaining infrastructure, buildings, and other physical structures. It includes residential, commercial, and industrial construction, as well as civil engineering projects such as roads, bridges, and tunnels. This industry is a major driver of economic development, providing employment and supporting related sectors like materials manufacturing and engineering services.
Deutsch: Cargill / Español: Cargill / Português: Cargill / Français: Cargill / Italiano: Cargill
Cargill is a multinational corporation and a major player in the agriculture, food production, and industrial sectors. It is one of the largest privately-held companies globally, with operations spanning food processing, commodity trading, and supply chain management. Cargill plays a critical role in connecting agricultural producers to markets, providing raw materials for industrial applications, and offering innovative solutions to enhance food and industrial processes.
Deutsch: Schlichter / Español: Conciliador / Português: Conciliador / Français: Conciliateur / Italiano: Conciliatore
A conciliator is a neutral third party who facilitates discussions and negotiations between disputing parties in an industrial or workplace setting. Their primary role is to assist in resolving disputes, often between employers and employees or trade unions, without resorting to formal litigation or arbitration. Conciliators aim to foster mutual understanding and agreement, typically through non-binding recommendations.
Deutsch: Bordstein / Español: Bordillo / Português: Meio-fio / Français: Bordure / Italiano: Cordolo
Curb in the industrial context refers to a physical barrier or Structure, typically made of concrete, stone, or metal, used to define boundaries, provide structural support, or channel movement in industrial and urban environments. Curbs are integral to infrastructure design, ensuring functionality, Safety, and durability in industrial spaces.
Deutsch: Kristallines Material / Español: Material cristalino / Português: Material cristalino / Français: Matériau cristallin / Italiano: Materiale cristallino
Crystalline material in the industrial context refers to solids whose atoms, ions, or molecules are arranged in an orderly, repeating pattern extending in three-dimensional space. This highly structured arrangement gives crystalline materials unique physical and chemical properties, making them integral to various industrial applications, from manufacturing to advanced technologies.
Deutsch: Brecheisen / Español: Palanca / Português: Pé-de-cabra / Français: Pied-de-biche / Italiano: Piede di porco
Crowbar in the industrial context refers to a robust, lever-like hand tool made of metal, commonly used for prying, lifting, or demolishing materials in construction, manufacturing, and other industrial activities. It is an essential tool for tasks requiring leverage, force, and durability.