Deutsch: Amt für Alkohol, Tabak und Schusswaffen / Español: Oficina de Alcohol, Tabaco y Armas de Fuego / Português: Agência de Álcool, Tabaco e Armas de Fogo / Français: Bureau de l'Alcool, du Tabac et des Armes à Feu / Italiano: Ufficio Alcol, Tabacco e Armi da Fuoco /

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF ) is an agency of the Department of the Treasury entrusted with enforcing laws covering the production, distribution and use of alcohol, tobacco and firearms.

2. Regulates importers and wholesalers
3. Regulates labeling of products containing alcohol

ATF has two (2) branches:

1. ATF National Laboratory Center (NLC): tests new products to ensure regulated ingredients are within legal limits; works to protect consumers in accordance with the Food and Drug Administration health recommendations.
2. ATF Alcohol Labeling and Formulation Branch: examines and approves all label applications for misleading information and adherence to regulatory mandates

Ref: 120869/2006-10-07

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