Amusement device is defined as an appliance to which the motion of a prime mover is transmitted and which is used, or designed or intended to be used, for the amusement, recreation or entertainment of persons being carried, raised, lowered, or moved by the appliance, or any part thereof while it is in motion;

An attempt is any action that is part of an effort to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, and nonrepudiation of an NIH IT resource; or any hacker attempt or group of hacker attempts into or from an NIH IT resource that could potentially result in an unauthorized change, release, or denial of information or processing capability.

An anchor alarm is a feature of a GPS or other electronic navigation device or a depthsounder that sounds an audible alarm when the anchor drags and the boat shifts position. To buoy the anchor is to attach a buoy to is so it and its rode can be found if they must be abandoned. The anchor watch is the crew awake and on deckas lookouts while the boat is anchored. See straight up an down and swinging room.

Accionar is a Spanish term or phrase which is translated in English in this context, as legal actions. In this example, "accionar" is being used as a noun. In full, "The Secretary of Energy shall rule on any appeals that are filed against legal actions taken by the regulatory agencies."

Assistive listening devices refer to hard-wired or wireless transmitting/receiving devices that transmit sound from the microphone directly to the listener, minimizing the negative effects of distance, noise, and reverberation on clarity.

Ammonia is considered a high health hazard because it is corrosive to the skin, eyes, and lungs. Exposure to 300 ppm is immediately dangerous to life and health.

Air bending is characterized as a metal forming operation in which a metal part is formed without the punch and die closing completely on the part. Likewise, the term is used to describe a method of bending where the material is expected to take its shape from the amount of depth penetration of the punch. (see related term below - bending under load, bend angle)

Agribusiness is denoting to all activities that are relevant to the production, transformation / value adding, distribution and retailing of food, fibre and associated products including the provision of services such as education, banking, finance, investment and technical adviceto participants in the chain.