The information fields which you can order besides the standard lists.
Based on our database with over 350,000 of the largest companies in Europe, we can offer you the following lists. We are checking the addresses and other data for each company every 12 months. Every two weeks we are re-checking about 5% of the whole database. Some company "under observation" are checked quarterly. Our information is based on the internet and data returned by the companies itself and other reliable sources. All lists are permanently updated.
All names of the list (like top500) refer to the number of companies in the list with a complete address. All other companies in the list where the address is incomplete are not counted.
If you buy one of these lists and you buy within 3 months after the delivery date a larger list of the same region, you will get an upgrade reduction of 50% of the price of the first list.
You buy the top500 of Germany and after 2 months you order the top1000 of Germany. Your price will be the listed price of the top1000 minus 50% of the price of the top500 of Germany.
Overview of Content
Optional Fields
Sometimes it is necessary to know some more information about the company for having a successful direct mailing. We offer the following information for an additional fee. Please specify, if you want the information for all entries or only if they are available.
Optional Information |
Format of delivery |
Price/address |
order appendix |
Status |
With All Industries (at least 5% of sales) | NACE-Code | 0.12 | IA | Available |
With Employees Class | Range *) | 0.06 | EC | Available |
With Employees | Number | 0.12 | EA | Available |
With annual sales | Range *) | 0.06 | SC | Available |
With annual sales | Amount | 0.12 | SA | Available |
With name(s) of published Top Management | Each Person in one line with the format "Function:Name" | 0.12 | M | Available |
*) Ranges are given for the number of employees and the sales, like 1 to 10 employees, 10 to 100 employees, 100 to 1000 employees, ... 1 to 10 million of Euro, 10 to 100 million of Euro, 100 to 1000 ... |
Individual lists are also available.
We can extract the companies by exactly the branches or regions which will fit your needs.
Please ask for an individual offer. Mostly it will be a handling fee of € (EUR) 30.00 plus the price per address given for the top100 list of the requested country.
- All prices are without VAT. Unless you are residing in Germany, you will get a bill without VAT and it is your responsibility to transfer the VAT to your local tax authorities.
- Within the European Union (EU) you might have a VAT-Id. If you can provide us the VAT-Id of your company, you will get the list without the VAT.
- You can use the list as often as you want within your company and subsidiaries. However, it is NOT allowed to transfer, copy, resell or publish the list or parts of it to other parties.
While every effort has been made to ensure that all information published on our site is correct we cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any consequences resulting therefrom.
All information without guarantee.
© Copyright 1997 - 2016