Deutsch: Eliminierung / Español: Eliminación / Português: Eliminação / Français: Élimination / Italiano: Eliminazione

Elimination in the industrial context refers to the process of removing waste, inefficiencies, or unnecessary elements from production processes, supply chains, or overall operations to improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability.


In the industrial sector, elimination plays a crucial role in lean manufacturing and process optimization. The goal is to identify and remove any activities, processes, or materials that do not add value to the final product or service. This concept is fundamental in methodologies like Lean, Six Sigma, and Total Quality Management (TQM), which aim to streamline operations and enhance efficiency.


Elimination targets various types of waste, including:

  • Overproduction: Producing more than what is needed, leading to excess inventory and storage costs.
  • Waiting: Time wasted when resources are idle due to delays in production processes.
  • Transportation: Unnecessary movement of materials or products, which can increase costs and risk of damage.
  • Excess Processing: Performing more work or using more resources than required to meet customer needs.
  • Inventory: Excess products or materials that are not immediately needed, tying up capital and storage space.
  • Motion: Unnecessary movements by workers or equipment that do not add value to the product.
  • Defects: Production of flawed products that require rework or result in waste.

Historically, the concept of elimination has been integral to the development of efficient manufacturing systems. The Toyota Production System (TPS) is a notable example, emphasizing the elimination of waste to create a more efficient and responsive production process. This approach has influenced various industries worldwide, leading to widespread adoption of lean principles.


Special Considerations

The process of elimination requires a thorough analysis of production and operational processes to identify areas of waste. This involves techniques such as value stream mapping, root cause analysis, and continuous improvement practices. It is important to involve employees at all levels in identifying and eliminating waste, as they are often the most familiar with the daily operations and potential inefficiencies.

Application Areas

Elimination is applicable across various sectors within the industry:


Well-Known Examples

  • Toyota Production System (TPS): A pioneering model in lean manufacturing that focuses on eliminating waste to improve efficiency and quality.
  • Lean Six Sigma: A methodology combining lean principles and Six Sigma tools to eliminate waste and reduce variation in processes.
  • 5S System: A workplace organization method that promotes the elimination of waste through practices like sorting, setting in order, shining, standardizing, and sustaining.

Treatment and Risks

Implementing elimination strategies involves several steps and considerations:

  • Assessment: Conducting a thorough analysis of current processes to identify areas of waste.
  • Planning: Developing a strategic plan to address identified inefficiencies, including setting goals and defining metrics for success.
  • Implementation: Executing the elimination plan, which may involve process redesign, employee training, and adoption of new technologies.
  • Monitoring: Continuously monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the elimination efforts to ensure sustained improvements.


Risks associated with elimination include resistance to change from employees, potential disruptions during the implementation phase, and the initial cost of process redesign and new technology adoption. Effective communication, employee involvement, and incremental implementation can help mitigate these risks.

Similar Terms

  • Lean Manufacturing: A production philosophy focused on minimizing waste and maximizing value.
  • Process Optimization: The practice of improving processes to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance quality.
  • Waste Reduction: Strategies aimed at minimizing waste in all forms, from materials to time and labor.



Elimination in the industrial context is a vital process aimed at removing inefficiencies and waste to enhance productivity and efficiency. By focusing on eliminating non-value-adding activities, industries can streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve overall performance. This approach is foundational to methodologies like Lean and Six Sigma, which have been widely adopted across various sectors to drive continuous improvement.


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