The Thunnus maccoyii is a Southern bluefin tuna found in Gazetteer Atlantic, Indian and Pacific: temperate and cold seas, mainly between 30°S and 50°S, to nearly 60°S. During spawning, large fish migrate to tropical seas, off the west coast of Australia, up to 10°S.

Highly migratory species If the current exploitation continues, the population will be below 500 mature individuals in 100 years. It is a very large species, deepest near the middle of the first dorsal fin base. Swim bladder present. Lower sides and belly silvery white with colorless transverse lines alternating with rows of colorless dots. The first dorsal fin is yellow or bluish; the anal fin and finlets are dusky yellow edged with black; the median caudal keel is yellow in adults. By maturity, most southern bluefin tuna lead an oceanic, pelagic existence . Spawning fish and larvae are encountered in waters with surface temperatures between 20? and 30?C. An opportunistic feeder, preying on a wide variety of fishes, crustaceans, cephalopods, salps, and other marine animals. Mostly canned . A specialized fishery for sashimi-quality has been developed recently by New Zealand fishers. In Japan, it is highly prized for the sashimi markets. It is Critically endangered fish

Ref: 86248/2006-09-13

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Bluefin tuna ( Bluefin tuna refers to a group of tuna species. ..)