Deutsch: Signalgeber / Español: Señal / Português: Sinal / Français: Signal / Italiano: Segnale /

A "signal" refers to a piece of information or data that is transmitted from one point to another, usually to control or monitor a system or process. Signals can be electrical, mechanical, optical, or in any other form that can convey information.

Some examples of signals in industry include:

  1. Process signals - signals used to monitor and control industrial processes, such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate.
  2. Control signals - signals used to control industrial equipment, such as actuators and motors.
  3. Sensor signals - signals generated by sensors to indicate conditions or parameters, such as temperature, pressure, and light intensity.
  4. Alarm signals - signals used to indicate emergency or abnormal conditions, such as high temperature or low pressure.
  5. Communication signals - signals used for communication between industrial systems and devices, such as data and control signals in a network.

Signals play a crucial role in industrial control and automation and are essential for the efficient and safe operation of industrial systems and processes.

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