Deutsch: Anforderung / Español: Requisito / Português: Requisito / Français: Exigence / Italiano: Requisito /

Requirement is something that is required in advance; "Latin was a prerequisite for admission". In the industrial and business context, a requirement refers to a specific need or condition that must be met in order to achieve a desired outcome.

Requirements can include a wide range of criteria, such as technical specifications, performance standards, regulatory compliance, or customer expectations. Here are some examples of requirements in the industrial and business context:

  1. Technical requirements: A software development company may have technical requirements for a new software application, such as compatibility with specific operating systems or programming languages.

  2. Performance requirements: An automobile manufacturer may have performance requirements for a new car model, such as fuel efficiency or acceleration time.

  3. Regulatory requirements: A pharmaceutical company may have regulatory requirements for a new drug, such as compliance with FDA regulations or clinical trial data.

  4. Customer requirements: A consulting company may have customer requirements for a new project, such as delivering the project within a specific timeline or budget.

Requirements can be formal or informal, depending on the context and the stakeholder involved. Formal requirements may be documented in a project plan or contract, while informal requirements may be communicated through conversations or emails. Meeting requirements is often a key factor in determining the success of a project or product, and organizations may use various methods to track and ensure requirements are met, such as testing, inspection, and quality control processes.

Ref: 86205/2006-09-13

Something that is demanded; necessity, something that is needed

Ref: 84558/2006-08-20

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