Deutsch: Pflanzenöl
An oilseed is a vegetable oil, It is a triglyceride extracted from a plant. Such oils have been part of human culture for millennia. The term "vegetable oil" can be narrowly defined as referring only to substances that are liquid at room temperature, or broadly defined without regard to a substance's state of matter at a given temperature.

In an industrial and industry context, oilseeds are seeds that contain high amounts of oil, which can be extracted and processed into various types of products. Some common examples of oilseeds include:

  1. Soybean: A major oilseed crop grown primarily in the United States, Brazil, and Argentina. The oil extracted from soybeans is used in various food and industrial products, including cooking oil, biodiesel, and animal feed.

  2. Rapeseed: A type of oilseed that is grown mainly in Europe and Canada. The oil extracted from rapeseed is used in various products, including cooking oil, biodiesel, and industrial lubricants.

  3. Sunflower: A type of oilseed grown primarily in Russia, Ukraine, and the United States. The oil extracted from sunflowers is used in cooking, cosmetics, and as a biofuel.

  4. Peanut: A type of oilseed that is widely grown in countries such as the United States, China, and India. The oil extracted from peanuts is used in cooking, as a flavor enhancer, and as a component in various industrial products.

  5. Cottonseed: A type of oilseed that is a byproduct of the cotton ginning process. The oil extracted from cottonseed is used in various food products, as well as in cosmetics and industrial applications.

These are just a few examples of oilseeds that are commonly used in an industrial or industry context. The specific types of oilseeds used will depend on the particular industry and the needs of the products or processes involved.

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