Glossary N
Deutsch: Nativ / Français: Natif
The term "native" can have many different social and political connotations in different contexts. In some cases it is a neutral, descriptive term, for example, when stating that one is a native of a particular city or that a certain language is one's native language.
Deutsch: Nordamerikanisches Wirtschaftsklassifikationssystem / Español: Sistema de Clasificación Industrial de América del Norte / Português: Sistema de Classificação Industrial da América do Norte / Français: Système de Classification Industrielle de l'Amérique du Nord / Italiano: Sistema di Classificazione Industriale Nordamericano /
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) refers to an industry classification system used by statistical agencies to facilitate the collection, tabulation, presentation, and analysis of data relating to establishments.
Nursery and Tree Production - this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) growing nursery products, nursery stock, shrubbery, bulbs, fruit stock, sod, and so forth, under cover or in open fields and/or (2) growing short rotation woody trees with a growth and harvest cycle of 10 years or less for pulp or tree stock.
NAVSTAR refers to the official U.S. Government name given to the GPS satellite system. NAVSTAR is an acronym for NAVigation Satellite Timing and Ranging.
Nomenclature generale des Activites economiques dans les Communautes europeennes (NACE) refers to the industrial classification as defined in Revision 1 which is used by Eurostat.
The term nursery may refer to the following:
- a place where young children are looked after
- a place where young plants and trees are grown for later replanting and/or sale elsewhere
Nursery and Floriculture Production - this industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in
1. Growing nursery and floriculture products (e.g., nursery stock, shrubbery, cut flowers, flower seeds, foliage plants) under cover or in open fields and/or