In the industrial or industry context, a "monument" typically refers to a fixed reference point used for surveying, mapping, and other geospatial applications.

Here are some examples of monuments used in industry:

  1. Survey monuments: Survey monuments are permanent markers used as reference points for land surveying. They are typically made of durable materials such as concrete, brass, or aluminum and are placed at precise locations.

  2. Geological monuments: Geological monuments are physical features or landmarks used as reference points in geological mapping and research. Examples include rock outcrops, waterfalls, and mountains.

  3. Historic monuments: Historic monuments are structures or sites of historical significance that are protected and preserved for future generations. Examples include statues, buildings, and landmarks.

  4. Industrial monuments: Industrial monuments are structures or sites that are historically or culturally significant in the context of industrial history. Examples include abandoned factories, mining sites, and transportation infrastructure.

Here are some similar things to monuments in the industrial context:

  1. Benchmarks: Benchmarks are fixed reference points used for geodetic or land surveying. They are typically placed on solid surfaces and have a known elevation.

  2. Control points: Control points are reference points used in photogrammetry and remote sensing to provide precise locations for mapping and measurement.

  3. Corner markers: Corner markers are permanent markers placed at the corners of land parcels or property boundaries to establish legal boundaries.

  4. Waypoints: Waypoints are reference points used in navigation, such as GPS coordinates, to mark specific locations or routes. They are often used in outdoor or wilderness settings, as well as in transportation and logistics.

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