Harp is described as one of the largest of all string instruments. It is musical instrument consisting of a triangular frame furnished with strings and sometimes with pedals, held upright, and played with the fingers.

There are three basic forms of harp: bowed, angle, and frame. Most harps are played with the fingertips, although some harps are played with the fingernails. Celtic harp is an example of a harp - a small instrument of 24 to 34 strings around 1m tall, with curved neck and pillar. The sound box was once carved from solid, but now is usually a box.

As a lighting terms a harp is described as brass finished hardware used to secure a lampshade to the base. Harps vary in size depending on the shade depth, usually 8", 10", or 12".

Ref: 120600/2006-09-19

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