Anchor (or hook) is described as a metal device that is lowered from the boat on rope or chain (anchor rode) and that digs into or lies on the water's bottom and so holds the boat. To set the anchor is to help it dig in by pulling hard on the rode.

When the anchor drags, it springs loose from the bottom, leaving the boat adrift. All anchors have flukes (points that dig into the bottom or grab rocks) and a shank (a vertical bar). Many also have a stock (a horizontal bar that prevents rolling over) and a crown (where the stock, flukes, and/or shank meet). Anchor types include those listed below.

See also:
"Anchor" is in the UNSPSC Code "25111906"
Anchor chocks

Ref: 122176/2006-09-27

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Anchor rode (Anchor rode is described as the line or chain ...)
Anchor (Anchor relates to hyperlinks - the underlined ...)
Boat (Boat is described as a small vessel used to ...)