Glossary H
Hoyer, hydraulic lift or barrier free lift pertains to a mechanical aid that assists with transferring a person from a wheelchair to a bed, a sling is needed with the lift.
Highway is a general term for denoting a public way for purposes of travel by vehicular and/or pedestrian travel, including the entire area within the right-of-way.
Hierarchy pertains to a logical structure that uses ordered levels as a means of organizing data. A hierarchy can be used to define data aggregation.
Deutsch: Wärmebehandlung / Español: Tratamiento térmico / Português: Tratamento térmico / Français: Traitement thermique / Italiano: Trattamento termico
Heat treatment is characterized as a combination of heating and cooling operations applied to a metal or alloy in the solid state to obtain desired conditions or properties.
Harp is described as one of the largest of all string instruments. It is musical instrument consisting of a triangular frame furnished with strings and sometimes with pedals, held upright, and played with the fingers.