Glossary G
Deutsch: Motorenbenzin / Español: Gasolina / Português: Gasolina / Français: Essence / Italiano: Benzina
Gasoline, or petrol, is a transparent, petroleum-derived oil that is used primarily as a fuel in internal combustion engines. It consists mostly of organic compounds obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum, enhanced with a variety of additives.
Gray tint pertains to a medium gray color designed to reduce solar heat gain and glare.
Deutsch: Gelatine / Español: Gelatina / Português: Gelatina / Français: Gêlatine / Italiano: Gelatina animale
Gelatin (from Latin: gelatus meaning "stiff", "frozen") is a protein extracted from animal hides and used in a variety of foodstuffs to produce jellies. In photography gelatine is used to suspend the light sensitive silver halides and bind them to the film or paper base. It is also a substance similar to refined animal glue used for paper sizing, plate-making, and as a protective layer for some forms of photographs.
Grass pertains to a plant in the grass family (Poaceae). These are usually short plants with slender leaves.
Generation is characterized as the group of individuals of a given species that have been reproduced at approximately the same time; the group of individuals of the same genealogical rank.
Deutsch: Gold / Español: Oro / Português: Ouro / Français: Or / Italiano: Oro /
Gold is a precious metal that is very soft when pure and is the most malleable and ductile - that is able to be made into wire, metal.