Deutsch: Schotter / Español: Grava / Português: Cascalho / Français: Gravier / Italiano: Ghiaia /

Gravel is a term used to describe unconsolidated sediments composed of rock fragments. These rock fragments have a size that is greater than 2 millimeters.

See also:
"Gravel" is in the NAICS Code "212321"
(Construction Sand and Gravel MiningGravel quarrying and/or beneficiating)

"Gravel" is in the UNSPSC Code "30151603"
Gravel stops

Ref: 124090/2006-09-19

Gravel refers to an unconsolidated, natural accumulation of rounded rock fragments resulting from erosion, consisting predominantly of particles larger than sand (diameter greater than 2 mm or 1/12 in), such as boulders, cobbles, pebbles, granules, or any combination of these; a popular term for a loose accumulation of rock fragments, such as a detrital sediment associated especially with streams or beaches, composed predominantly of more or less rounded pebbles and small stones, and mixed with sand that may compose 50% to 70% of the total mass; and an engineering term for rounded fragments having a diameter in the range of 1.87 in (47.5 mm) (retained on U.S. standard sieve No. 4) to 3 in (76 mm).

Gravel refers to a rock that is of a certain grain size range. In geology, gravel is any loose rock that is at least two millimeters in its largest dimension (about 1/12 of an inch) and no more than 75 millimeters (about 3 inches). Sometimes gravel is restricted to rock in the 2-4 millimeter range, with pebble being reserved for rock 4-75 millimeters (some say 64 millimeters). The next smaller size class in geology is sand, which is 0.063 mm to 2 mm in size. The next larger size is cobble, which is 75 (64) millimeters to 256 millimeters (about three to ten inches).

-see also:
"Gravel" is in the NAICS Code "212321"
(Construction Sand and Gravel MiningSand, construction grade, quarrying and/or beneficiating)

"Gravel" is in the UNSPSC Code "11111611"

Ref: 86195/2006-09-13

Gravel is a term described as coarse granular material (usually larger than 1/4 inch in diameter) resulting from the natural erosion and disintegration of rock. Crushed gravel is the result of artificial crushing with most fragments having at least one face resulting from fracture.

-see also:
"Gravel" is in the NAICS Code "212321"
(Construction Sand and Gravel MiningSand and gravel quarrying (i.e., construction grade) and/or beneficiating)

"Gravel" is in the UNSPSC Code "20121304"
Gravel pack systems

Ref: 122274/2006-10-09

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