Deutsch: Frei an Bord / Español: Franco a Bordo / Português: Franco a Bordo / Français: Franco à Bord / Italiano: Franco a Bordo /

FOB is a term used in the industrial/industry context that stands for "Free on Board." It is a shipping term that specifies who is responsible for the costs and risks associated with the transportation of goods from the seller to the buyer.

Here are some examples of FOB in different industries:

  1. Manufacturing Industry: In the manufacturing industry, FOB is used to determine who is responsible for the transportation costs and risks associated with the delivery of goods to the buyer. For example, if the FOB is "FOB Origin," the buyer is responsible for the shipping costs and assumes the risk of loss or damage during transit. If the FOB is "FOB Destination," the seller is responsible for the shipping costs and assumes the risk of loss or damage until the goods are delivered to the buyer.

  2. International Trade: FOB is commonly used in international trade to specify the point at which the responsibility for the goods transfers from the seller to the buyer. For example, if the FOB is "FOB Shanghai," the responsibility for the goods and associated costs transfers to the buyer once the goods are loaded onto a vessel at the port of Shanghai.

  3. Shipping Industry: FOB is used in the shipping industry to specify the point at which the seller's responsibility for the goods ends and the buyer's responsibility begins. For example, if the FOB is "FOB Port," the seller is responsible for the goods until they are loaded onto a ship at the port of origin.

  4. Agriculture Industry: FOB is used in the agriculture industry to specify the point at which the buyer takes possession of the goods. For example, if the FOB is "FOB Farm," the buyer takes possession of the goods at the farm and assumes responsibility for the transportation costs and risks associated with the delivery of the goods to their final destination.

Overall, FOB is a critical term used in the industrial/industry context to determine the shipping responsibility, transportation costs, and risks associated with the delivery of goods from the seller to the buyer.

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