Glossary D
Deutsch: Entnebelung / Español: Desempañado / Português: Desembaçamento / Français: Démistage / Italiano: Disappannamento
Defogging in the industrial context refers to the process of removing fog, condensation, or mist from surfaces such as glass, lenses, screens, and industrial equipment. It is commonly used in automotive, optical, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), and manufacturing industries to ensure visibility, safety, and operational efficiency.
Deutsch: Doxorubicin / Español: Doxorrubicina / Português: Doxorrubicina / Français: Doxorubicine / Italiano: Doxorubicina
Doxorubicin in the industrial context refers to a widely used chemotherapeutic drug manufactured for the Treatment of various cancers. It is an anthracycline Antibiotic derived from the bacterium Streptomyces peucetius var. caesius. In the pharmaceutical industry, doxorubicin is recognised for its efficacy in oncology, but its production, Formulation, and distribution require stringent processes due to its potency and potential side effects.
Deutsch: Werft / Español: Astillero / Português: Estaleiro / Français: Chantier naval / Italiano: Cantiere navale
Dockyard in the industrial context refers to a facility where ships are built, repaired, maintained, and refitted. Dockyards, also known as shipyards, are key infrastructure in the maritime industry, supporting naval, commercial, and recreational vessels. They are equipped with specialised equipment, workforce, and infrastructure to handle a wide range of maritime projects.
Deutsch: Entlaubungsmittel / Español: Defoliante / Português: Defoliante / Français: Défoliant / Italiano: Defogliante
Defoliant in the industrial context refers to a chemical substance used to remove leaves from plants, typically for agricultural, Forestry, or military applications. Defoliants are employed to simplify crop harvesting, manage vegetation, or clear land for various industrial purposes.
Deutsch: Bestimmung / Español: Determinación / Português: Determinação / Français: Détermination / Italiano: Determinazione
Determination in the industrial context refers to the process of identifying, measuring, or establishing specific characteristics, parameters, or outcomes related to materials, processes, or products. It often involves analytical methods, testing, or decision-making to ensure compliance with standards and achieve desired performance or Quality.
Deutsch: Entsalzung / Español: desalinización / Português: dessalinização / Français: dessalement / Italiano: desalinizzazione
Desalination in the industrial context refers to the process of removing salt and other minerals from seawater or brackish water to produce fresh water suitable for human consumption, agricultural irrigation, or industrial use. It is an essential technology for regions facing water scarcity, enabling them to supplement their freshwater resources.
Deutsch: Drohne / Español: dron / Português: drone / Français: drone / Italiano: drone
A drone in the industrial or industry context is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) used for various operational and logistical purposes within different sectors. These autonomous or remotely operated devices are equipped with cameras, sensors, or other payloads, enabling them to carry out tasks that enhance efficiency, safety, and precision.
Deutsch: Digitalisierung / Español: Digitalización / Português: Digitalização / Français: Digitalisation / Italiano: Digitalizzazione
Digitalization in the industrial context refers to the integration of digital technologies into all areas of industrial operations, fundamentally transforming how businesses operate, produce, and deliver products and services. It involves the use of advanced technologies such as automation, data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing to improve efficiency, decision-making, and overall competitiveness. Digitalization is a key driver of Industry 4.0, the ongoing fourth industrial revolution, which focuses on smart manufacturing and interconnected systems.