Deutsch: Entladung

Discharge in the context to expel or to "let go" may refer to a termination of employment, the end of an employee's duration with an employer.

Discharge in the context of a flow may refer to an electric discharge, an electrical device that releases stored energy Battery discharging.

In an industrial or industry context, "discharge" can refer to several different processes and activities, including:

  • Release of liquids or gases: discharge can refer to the release of liquids or gases from tanks, pipes, or containers, into the environment, such as in wastewater treatment facilities or oil and gas production facilities.

  • Discharge of electric charges: discharge can refer to the release of electric charges from a capacitor or battery, as in electrical discharge machining (EDM) or high-voltage discharge lamps.

  • Release of goods from storage: discharge can refer to the release of goods from storage or transport containers, such as in cargo handling at ports or airports.

  • Release of employees from duty: discharge can refer to the release of employees from their duties, such as at the end of a shift or after completion of a project.

  • Discharge of debt or obligation: discharge can refer to the release of a person from a debt or obligation, such as in bankruptcy or loan discharge.

These are just a few examples of the many different ways that "discharge" can be used in an industrial or industry context.