Durable goods is a term generally defined as any goods whose continuous serviceability is likely to exceed three years.
See also:
"Durable goods" is in the NAICS Code "423"
Merchant Wholesalers, Durable goods
Industries in the Merchant Wholesalers, Durable goods subsector sell capital or durable goods to oth ...
Durable goods are roducts that can be used frequently and have a long life expectancy, such as furniture, jewelry, and major appliances.
-see also:
"Durable goods" is in the NAICS Code "423"
Merchant Wholesalers, Durable goods
Industries in the Merchant Wholesalers, Durable goods subsector sell capital or durable goods to oth ...
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Goods (Goods are tangible products for sale that can be ...)
Merchant (Merchant refers to the operator of a business. ..)