Deutsch: Kontrast / Português: Contraste

Contrast may refer to the difference in color and light between parts of an image.

In the industrial context, 'contrast' typically refers to the difference in color, brightness, or texture between different areas of an object or image. It is often used in quality control and inspection processes to identify defects or inconsistencies.

Examples of the use of contrast in industry include:

  • In manufacturing, a visual inspection system may use contrast to detect defects in printed text, such as smudging or incomplete letters.
  • In automotive painting, a technician may use contrast to identify areas where the paint coverage is uneven or where there are blemishes or imperfections.
  • In textile production, contrast can be used to ensure that patterns are consistent and that the colors of different fabrics match.

Similar terms in the industrial context might include:

  • Color analysis: the use of sensors or cameras to measure the color of a surface, often used in quality control to ensure consistency in a product's appearance.
  • Texture analysis: the use of sensors or cameras to measure the texture of a surface, often used to identify defects or inconsistencies in a product's surface.
  • Image analysis: the use of software or algorithms to analyze images, often used in quality control to detect defects or anomalies.