Deutsch: Beratung / Español: Consultoría / Português: Consultoria / Français: Consultance / Italiano: Consulenza /

Consultancy involves a person either contracting privately or through his or her office to provide professional advice in return for financial remuneration either to the individual or to the company.

Consultancy services are one particular type of service delivered under a contract for services. They are distinguished from other contracts by the nature of the work performed.

Typically, the term consultancy services is used to describe the application of expert professional skills to: investigate or diagnose a defined issue or problem; carry out defined research, reviews or evaluations; or provide independent advice, information or creative solutions to assist the agency in management decision-making. A consultancy contract will typically define the nature, purpose and duration of the task to be performed but does not detail the manner in which the task is to be performed.

Ref: 123181/2006-09-19

Consultancy services are one particular type of service delivered under a contract for services. They are distinguished from other contracts by the nature of the work performed. A consultant is an entity (individual, partnership or corporation) engaged to provide professional independent and expert advice or services. Typically, the term consultancy services is used to describe the application of expert professional skills to: investigate or diagnose a defined issue or problem; carry out defined research, reviews or evaluations; or provide independent advice, information or creative solutions to assist the agency in management decision-making. A consultancy contract will typically define the nature, purpose and duration of the task to be performed but does not detail the manner in which the task is to be performed. The consultant is usually paid on completion of milestones or in a lump sum. Consultants are not employees of the Department and are not paid wages or other employee entitlements. A consultancy services contract is based on a principal/consultant relationship.

Consultancy involves a staff member either contracting privately or through the University to provide professional advice in return for financial remuneration either to the individual or to the University. A consultancy does not include non-paid work undertaken as part of the University's community service activities.

Ref: 86218/2006-09-13

Consultancy is the practice of giving expert advice ssistance or additional resources to supplement customers own capability within a particular field, A business or agency offering expert or professional advice in a certain field , advice and a

Ref: 84560/2006-08-20

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