Clearing house refers to a department of the exchange, through which all trades on the exchange are cleared and adjusted; it is an agency associated with an exchange, which settles trades and regulates delivery; 30 office where banks exchange checks and drafts and settle accounts.

Ref: 122665/2006-09-19

Clearing house refers to a department of an exchange or a separate legal entity which provides a range of services related to the clearing and settlement of transactions and payments, and the management of risks associated with the resulting contracts. In many cases the clearing house acts as central counterparty.

Ref: 86286/2006-09-13

An agency associated with an exchange, which settles trades and regulates delivery.

Ref: 84655/2006-08-20

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Clearing Bank (Eine Clearing Bank ist das Clearing House. ..)