Cider vinegar is characterized as a flavorful vinegar made from the cider of fermented apple juice. Apples that are grown during the fall or winter when higher sugar levels are present are the varieties commonly used for making cider vinegar..It is also called apple cider vinegar.

Apples are crushed, the liquid juice is retained and with the addition of yeast as well as a little sugar, the fermentation begins. As the fruit sugars and added sugars are converted into alcohol and then acetic acid, the mixture is clarified to cease the fermentation and decomposing further, thus producing the end result as Cider Vinegar. It is the acedic acid that produces the tart or sour flavor in the cider vinegar. Slightly higher than other vinegars in acid content, Cider Vinegar will generally contain approximately 5% to 6% acidity.

Also referred to as Apple Cider Vinegar, this type of vinegar has a golden color and a crisp, sour apple flavor making it suitable as a dipping and topping condiment or as an ingredient in salad dressings, marinades and snack dips. Cider Vinegar that has not been processed to filter out various ingredients may be referred to as raw, unfiltered Cider Vinegar. Typically the raw version will be unheated when processed, unpasteurized, and mixed with purfied water, creating an amber colored vinegar that will be cloudy in appearance and not as clear as filtered Cider Vinegar. Although there are many claims that Cider Vinegar provides numerous healthy benefits as a remedy for a variety of ailments from bone to digestive problems, there is no verified medical evidence that it is actually true

Ref: 122428/2006-09-23

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