Español: Bolsa / Français: Sac / Italiano: Borsa
A bag (also known regionally as a sack) is a common tool in the form of a non-rigid container. The use of bags predates recorded history, with the earliest bags being no more than lengths of animal skin or woven plant fibers, folded up at the edges and secured in that shape with strings of the same material. Despite their simplicity, bags have been fundamental for the development of human civilization, as they allow people to easily collect loose materials such as berries or food grains, and to transport more items than could readily by carried in the hands.

In the industrial and industry context, a bag is a flexible container made of various materials, such as plastic, paper, or cloth, used for holding, transporting, and storing products, materials, or waste. Bags are widely used in various industries for various purposes.

Examples of the use of bags in the industrial context include:

  1. Plastic bags, used for packaging food, consumer goods, or waste.
  2. Paper bags, used for packaging food, consumer goods, or waste, as well as for shipping and transporting goods.
  3. Polypropylene bags, used for storing and transporting bulk materials, such as grains, chemicals, or minerals.
  4. Dust bags, used in various industrial processes to collect dust, debris, or waste.

Bags play a critical role in many industrial and manufacturing processes, as they provide a cost-effective and convenient means of handling, transporting, and storing products, materials, or waste. The specific type of bag used can vary based on the intended application, and industrial companies must carefully consider factors such as strength, durability, and cost to select the most appropriate type of bag for their needs. Understanding and using bags effectively is important for industrial companies to achieve efficient and reliable operations.