A Briquette operator is a person who:
- tends vacuum screen that screens magnesium liquor and briquette pressequipment that presses screened residue (filter cake) to form briquettes of periclase (refractory material );
- flips control panel switches to start multilevel arrangement of vacuum screen feeder wheel, vacuum screen hearth kiln, and briquette press;
- observes vacuum screen feeder wheel to verify that cups positioned on feeder wheel are full of magnesium liquor for emptying onto vacuum screen;
- turns dials on control panel to adjust speed of vacuum screen feeder wheel and vacuum screen to control thickness of filter cake, following prescribed procedure;
- reads counter on feeder wheel to determine revolutions per hour and records totals in logbook;
- moves control knobs to adjust amount of filter cake fed from hearth furnace onto conveyor and into briquette press;
- turns knobs to regulate speed and pressure of briquette rollers that form briquettes;
- observes indicator lights and gauges on control panels to detect equipment malfunction and notifies supervisor;
- and records equipment downtime in logbook.
Ref: 122804/2006-10-11
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