Deutsch: Verträglichkeit / Español: Amabilidad / Português: Cordialidade / Français: Agréabilité / Italiano: Amabilità

In the context of industrial and organizational psychology, agreeableness is one of the five major personality traits in the Big Five personality model. It refers to the tendency of an individual to be cooperative, friendly, and accommodating in their interactions with others. In the workplace, agreeableness is associated with a predisposition towards being helpful, empathetic, and harmonious when dealing with colleagues and clients.


Agreeableness in an industry setting is particularly valued as it contributes to a positive work environment and enhances team dynamics. People who score high in agreeableness are generally well-liked, supportive, and effective in collaborative settings. They tend to prioritize group harmony and are more likely to engage in pro-social behaviors that contribute to organizational success.

Application Areas

  • Team Collaboration: Agreeable individuals are essential for teams, as they promote a cooperative spirit and reduce the likelihood of conflicts.
  • Customer Service: High agreeableness is advantageous in roles that require interaction with customers, as these employees are more likely to exhibit patience and friendliness, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Leadership: While agreeableness can sometimes be a double-edged sword in leadership—potentially reducing decisiveness—it often leads to more democratic and inclusive leadership styles.
  • Conflict Resolution: Agreeable individuals play crucial roles in mediating conflicts within the workplace, often facilitating compromises and solutions that are acceptable to all parties involved.

Well-Known Examples

In industries where teamwork and customer interaction are critical—such as hospitality, healthcare, and retail—agreeableness is a highly prized trait. For example, in healthcare, professionals who are high in agreeableness are likely to deliver higher patient satisfaction due to their empathetic communication and caring nature.

Treatment and Risks

While agreeableness is generally positive, excessively high levels can sometimes lead to drawbacks in the workplace, such as a tendency to avoid necessary conflicts, difficulty in making unpopular decisions, or being overly compliant. It's important for management to balance the need for agreeable behaviors with the need for assertiveness and competitiveness, depending on the organizational goals and the specific job roles.

Similar Terms

Related personality traits include conscientiousness (organized, dependable, self-disciplined) and extraversion (energetic, talkative, assertive). These, along with agreeableness, form part of the broader framework used to understand employee behavior and personality in the workplace.



In the industrial and organizational psychology context, agreeableness refers to a personality trait characterized by kindness, cooperation, and a strong preference for harmonious social interactions. It is crucial for fostering a collaborative and friendly work environment but must be balanced with other traits to ensure effective and dynamic workplace functionality.


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