Analogue refers to a continuously variable signal which is the opposite of digital.

Analogue is representing something in the real world. The term is often used in comparison with digital , for example comparing analogue and digital computers or analog or digital electrical signals.

Analogue computers actually measure, analyze and compute using real physical measures and numbers. Analogue electrical signals (such as the radio frequencies used to transmit telecommunications information) are directly generated by physical stimuli in the form of light or sound waves.

See also:
"Analogue" is in the CPC Code "45210"
Analogue or hybrid automatic data processing machines

"Analogue" is in the HS Code "8471.10"
- - Analogue or hybrid automatic data processing machines

Ref: 120902/2006-09-19

Analogue refers to two observed states of the atmosphere that are very close by some measure, also applied to states of a model. The formal measures of closeness include anomaly correlation, root-mean-square distance, and covariance. Usually one expects analogs to occur only during the same time of year. Atmospheric analogs that are close compared to current levels of observational error are unlikely to be found unless one studies a single variable confined to a very small area (=1000 km radius), or otherwise reduces the degrees of freedom to a very small number (=3).
Analogs have a practical application in specifying the surface weather from a 3D atmospheric state produced by NWP and in short- term climate prediction for forecasts ranging from a month to several seasons. Analogs are also of interest in research related to predictability, short-term forecasts and error growth, cluster analysis, and estimates of dimensionality of the atmospheric attractor. When natural analogs are poor, improvements have been sought by combining several of them, by using anti-analogs (antilogs), and by constructing an artificial close analog by some objective weighted averaging of a set of previously observed states (constructed analogs).

It is also a form of transmitting information characterised by continuously variable quantities, as opposed to digital transmission, which is characterised by discrete bits of information in numerical steps. An analogue signal is responsive to changes in light, sound, heat and pressure.

It is a system in which an electrical value (usually voltage or current, but sometimes frequency, phase, etc.) represents something in the physical world. The electrical signal can then be processed, transmitted, amplified, and finally, transformed back into a physical quality.

-see also:
"Analogue" is in the CPC Code "4521"
Analogue or hybrid automatic data processing machines

"Analogue" is in the HS Code "8471.10"
- - Analogue or hybrid automatic data processing machines

Ref: 86312/2006-09-13

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