Deutsch: Munition / Español: Munición / Português: Munição / Français: Munition / Italiano: Munizioni /

Ammunition is in reference to explosive of any of the foregoing classes enclosed in any case or contrivance so as to form a cartridge, charge, fuse, firing tube, percussion cap, detonator, fog signal, shell, torpedo, war rocket, or other like contrivance other than a firework, or any explosive so otherwise adapted or prepared as to form any contrivance other than a firework.

Ammunition is a generic military term meaning (the assembly of) a projectile and its propellant. It is derived through French from the Latin munire (to provide). Small projectiles, like those fired from rifles and handguns (collectively known as small arms), are called bullets. A "round" is a unit of ammunition, for small arms this is the combination of bullet, propellant, primer and cartridge case.