Deutsch: Industrieklimatisierung / Español: Aire acondicionado industrial / Português: Ar condicionado industrial / Français: Climatisation industrielle / Italiano: Aria condizionata industriale /

Air conditioning (AC) is used to cool air in offices and homes. A compressor compresses a refrigerant gas such as freon so that it heats up.

This then runs through an expansion valve, cooling it down. The colder gas then passes through coils and absorbs the heat from air that has been extracted from the building, cooling it down. This cool air is then blown back into the building. (see related terms below - central air conditioning, air conditioner, condenser or outdoor coil, evaporator or indoor coil)

Central air conditioning refers to air conditioning systems, which distribute cool air throughout the house by way of a system of air ducts. Central air conditioning systems generally have a centralized cooling unit and air blower, which connect to ductwork that is distributed throughout the house.

Air conditioner is a term used for a device that can change the temperature, humidity or general quality of the air.
In an air conditioner, the condenser or outdoor coil dissipates heat from the refrigerant, changing the refrigerant from vapor to liquid. The other half of the air conditioning system located inside your home in the indoor unit is called evaporator or indoor coil. This is a tubing coil in which a volatile liquid evaporates and absorbs heat. This is where the refrigerant evaporates as it absorbs heat from the indoor air that passes over the coil.

See also:
"Air conditioning" is in the CPC Code "43912"
Air conditioning machines

"Air conditioning" is in the UNSPSC Code "72102305"
Air conditioning installation or maintenance or repair services

Ref: 120666/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
AC (Air conditioning)
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)

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