The largest Cities in Europe ranked by their company's total sale

We do not rank the cities in Europe by their inhabitants. We counted the total sales of all big companies in each European city and published here a very unique ranking of the largest cities in Europe. The deadline for this ranking was 2007-05-01.

In a similar ranking, where we sorted all cities by the number of their big companies we created also the equivalence of this page.
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top500 Database

Pos. Last P. City No Co. Total Sales  
1(1)London, Londres (United Kingdom)3,4555,420,317
2(2)Paris (France)2,4852,701,674
3(3)Moskva, Moscow, Moskau, Moscou (Russia)9141,574,318
4(4)Oslo (Norway)1,4981,155,419
5(5)Madrid (Spain)1,130706,484
6(6)Bruxelles, Brussels, Brüssel (Belgium)916640,441
7(7)Chester (United Kingdom)52585,714
8(8)München, Munich (Germany)1,260483,064
9(10)Hamburg, Hambourg (Germany)1,620474,433
10(12)Stuttgart (Germany)601408,218
11(13)Frankfurt am Main, Francfort-sur-le-Main (Germany)702403,995
12(14)Stockholm (Sweden)1,272397,855
13(9)Düsseldorf, Duesseldorf (Germany)680394,332
14(15)Roma, Rome, Rom (Italy)437390,683
15(16)Angers (France)82340,850
16(17)Milano, Milan, Mailand (Italy)1,032293,178
17(21)Köln, Cologne (Germany)736283,576
18(18)Wien, Vienna, Vienne (Austria)852282,789
19(19)Berlin (Germany)1,338279,205
20(20)Essen (Germany)399274,661
21(22)Amsterdam (Netherlands)426256,796
22(23)Ankara (Turkey)67242,268
23(25)Zürich, Zurich (Switzerland)346218,832
24(26)Surgut (Russia)16217,712
25(27)Bertrange, Bartringen (Luxembourg)11211,806
26(28)Helsinki, Helsinki (Finland)2,095207,062
27(29)Warszawa, Warsaw, Warschau (Poland)466195,621
28(30)Praha, Prague, Prag (Czech Republic)535190,389
29(31)Budapest (Hungary)624182,312
30(32)Espoo (Finland)684179,712
31(33)Hannover, Hanover (Germany)414169,337
32(34)Bucuresti, Bucharest, Bukarest (Romania)244168,088
33(35)Barcelona, Barcelone (Spain)529167,199
34(24)Bonn, Bonne (Germany)186164,134
35(36)Bracknell (United Kingdom)58155,929
36(37)Newbury (United Kingdom)52155,364
37(38)Boulogne-Billancourt (France)149153,901
38(68)Vélizy-Villacoublay, Velizy-Villacoublay (France)59152,876
39(39)Basel, Basle, Bâle (Switzerland)138149,497
40(40)Torino, Turin (Italy)230147,070
41(41)Markranstädt, Markranstaedt (Germany)2141,096
42(42)Rotterdam (Netherlands)288140,662
43(43)Den Haag, The Hague, La Haye (Netherlands)163140,196
44(44)Athinai, Athens, Athen, Athènes (Greece)411136,735
45(45)Zaandam (Netherlands)45124,053
46(46)Lysaker (Norway)85121,154
47(47)Bondoufle (France)20118,428
48(48)København, Copenhagen, Kopenhagen (Denmark)312116,692
49(49)Lisboa, Lisbon, Lissabon, Lisbonne (Portugal)421111,390
50(50)Sankt Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Saint-Péterbourg (Russia)172110,038

1..50 , 51..100 , 101..150 , 151..200 , 201..250    28801..28850
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters. For Questions, hints, compliments, suggestions please use the forum (English and German).

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