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The Top500-Lexicon

The lexicon of the top500 ( The Encyclopedia for Classification Codes ) explains the codes and definitions in the world of economical classifications.

NAICS Code 311423 Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing

The NAICS Code 311423 is described as
Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing
  • Bouillon made in dehydration plants
  • Dates, dried, made in dehydration plant
  • Dehydrating fruits and vegetables
  • Dehydrating potato products (e.g., flakes, granules)
  • Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing
  • Freeze-dried, food processing, fruits and vegetables
  • Fruit and vegetables, dehydrating, manufacturing
  • Fruits dehydrating (except sun drying)
  • Grapes, artificially drying
  • Noodle mixes made in dehydration plants
  • Olives, dried, made in dehydration plant
  • Potato products (e.g., flakes, granules) dehydrating
  • Prunes, dried, made in dehydration plants
  • Raisins made in dehydration plants
  • Rice mixes (i.e., uncooked and packaged with other ingredients) made in dehydration plants
  • Salad dressing mixes, dry, made in a dehydration plant
  • Sauce mixes, dry, made in dehydration plants
  • Soup mixes made in a dehydration plant
  • Sulphured fruits and vegetables manufacturing
  • Vegetables dehydrating

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) drying (including freeze-dried) and/or dehydrating fruits, vegetables, and soup mixes and bouillon and/or (2) drying and/or dehydrating ingredients and packaging them with other purchased ingredients, such as rice and dry pasta.

Establishments primarily engaged in-
· Milling rice and packaging it with other ingredients-are classified in U.S. Industry 311212, Rice Milling;
· Manufacturing dry pasta and packaging it with other ingredients-are classified in U.S. Industry 311823, Dry Pasta Manufacturing;
· Manufacturing vegetable flours and meals-are classified in U.S. Industry 311211, Flour Milling;
· Mixing purchased dried and/or dehydrated potatoes, rice, and dry pasta, and packaging them with other purchased ingredients, and mixing purchased dried and/or dehydrated ingredients for soup mixes and bouillon-are classified in U.S. Industry 311999, All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing; and
· Manufacturing dry salad dressing and dry sauce mixes-are classified in U.S. Industry 311942, Spice and Extract Manufacturing.


It belongs to the code group
NAICS Code 31142 Fruit and Vegetable Canning, Pickling, and Drying

To this Code "311423" belongs the sub codes
(No direct sub codes available)

The equivalent ISIC Code (Rev. 3.1) is
1513: Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
  Transformation et conservation de fruits et légumes

The nearest NACE Code (Rev. 1.1) is
15.31: Kartoffelverarbeitung - Verarbeitung von Kartoffeln
15.31: Processing and preserving of potatoes - Processing and preserving of potatoes
15.31: Transformation et conservation des pommes de terre
15.31: Lavorazione e conservazione delle patate
15.31: Preparacion y conservacion de patatas
15.31: Verwerking en conservering van aardappelen
15.31: Forarbejdning og konservering af kartofler

The equivalent CPC Code (Rev. 1.1) is
xxxx: No Code defined

Translation of the Code description
311423: Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing

Alternative Spellings (synonyms): Manufactoring, Manufaktur
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