45.21: | Hochbau, Brücken- und Tunnelbau u. Ä. - Hochbau, Brücken- und Tunnelbau u.ä. |
45.21: | General construction of buildings and civil engineering works - General construction of buildings and civil engineering works |
45.21: | Travaux de construction y compris ouvrages d'art |
45.21: | Lavori generali di costruzione di edifici e lavori di engegneria civile |
45.21: | Construccion general de edificios y obras singulares de ingenier¡a civil (puentes, tuneles, etc.) |
45.21: | Algemene bouwkundige en civieltechnische werken |
45.21: | Bygge- og anlægsentrepren¢rer (bortset fra nedrivnings- og jordarbejdsentrepren¢rer) |