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The Top500-Lexicon

The lexicon of the top500 ( The Encyclopedia for Classification Codes ) explains the codes and definitions in the world of economical classifications.

NAICS Code 237 Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction

The NAICS Code 237 is described as
Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction
The Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction subsector comprises establishments whose primary activity is the construction of entire engineering projects (e.g., highways and dams), and specialty trade contractors, whose primary activity is the production of a specific component for such projects. Specialty trade contractors in Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction generally are performing activities that are specific to heavy and civil engineering construction projects and are not normally performed on buildings. The work performed may include new work, additions, alterations, or maintenance and repairs.
Specialty trade activities are classified in this subsector if the skills and equipment present are specific to heavy or civil engineering construction projects. For example, specialized equipment is needed to paint lines on highways. This equipment is not normally used in building applications so the activity is classified in this subsector. Traffic signal installation, while specific to highways, uses much of the same skills and equipment that are needed for electrical work in building projects and is therefore classified in Subsector 238, Specialty Trade Contractors.
Construction projects involving water resources (e.g., dredging and land drainage) and projects involving open space improvement (e.g., parks and trails) are included in this subsector. Establishments whose primary activity is the subdivision of land into individual building lots usually perform various additional site-improvement activities (e.g., road building and utility line installation) and are included in this subsector.
Establishments in this subsector are classified based on the types of structures that they construct. This classification reflects variations in the requirements of the underlying production processes.

It belongs to the code group
NAICS Code 23 Construction

To this Code "237" belongs the sub codes
  • NAICS Code 2371: Utility System Construction
    (Utility System Construction)
  • NAICS Code 2372: (Inofficial Code)
    ((Inofficial Code))
  • NAICS Code 2373: (Inofficial Code)
    ((Inofficial Code))
  • NAICS Code 2379: (Inofficial Code)
    ((Inofficial Code))

The equivalent ISIC Code (Rev. 3.1) is
4510: Site preparation
  Préparation des sites

The nearest NACE Code (Rev. 1.1) is
45.11: Abbruch-, Spreng- und Erdbewegungsarbeiten - Abbruch-, Spreng- und Entrümmerungsgewerbe, Erdbewegungsarbeiten
45.11: Demolition and wrecking of buildings; earth moving - Demolition and wrecking of buildings; earth moving
45.11: Démolition d'immeubles et terrassements
45.11: Demolizione di edifici e sistemazione del terreno
45.11: Demolicion de inmuebles y movimientos de tierras
45.11: Slopen van gebouwen; grondverzet
45.11: Nedrivnings- og jordarbejdsentrepren¢rer

The equivalent CPC Code (Rev. 1.1) is
xxxx: No Code defined

Translation of the Code description
237: Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction

Alternative Spellings (synonyms): Constructions
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