We can help you to source & supply many different products from China ranging from automotive related products (alloy wheels, batteries, tyres, inner tubes, lug nuts, valves, tools, spare parts, accessories, filters, silicone couplers, etc), to cosmetics related products (cosmetics accessories, eyeliner & eyebrow pencils, nail polish, etc), to mobility scooters, memory sticks, mp3s, toys and the list goes on.
What makes us different from other sourcing agents/trading company is that we actually distribute and sell some of the products through our retail and distribution channels in Southeast Asia. Currently we are distributing to more than 1,500 stores and we are selling more than 90 different products.

We want to share our expertise in finding the suitable suppliers in China with other people in other countries. We welcome small, medium or large companies and also individuals to use our service and enjoy the benefits together. As long as you can satisfy the minimum order requirement set by the factories, we will do our best to help you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by email or browse our website (www.anwaninternational.com) for more details.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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