To whom it may conern, This is Devin from ENSMAR. We are a professional manufacturer of solar energy storage products powered by lithium batteries. Thanks to our premium quality and cost competitiveness , over 300000 sets were exported, our annual growth keeps more than 130 percent in last 3 years .

We have horizontal inverter and lithium battery banks, as pictures below. In the past, Pylontech is hot, but no similar inverter match them, horizon battery & vertical inverter occupys need more space, more installation cost and destory decoration, so the installation is terrrible and un-friendly for users, their combination is far away from beautiful. Our same-design inverter & battery overcomes it perfectly.

Do you have interest? Look forward to your positive feedback, we expect to work together with you.

Devin Yeung

Shenzhen Ensmar Technology Co., Ltd
Telephone: (+86) 755 23406286
Mobile: (+86) 153 6143 2551
Address: Fl.5, Block A, Wanhe Technology Building, Huitong Road, Fenghuang Community, Guangming District, Shenzhen, 518107, P.R. China

Contact: Devin Yeung <>

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