I represent internet portals of Poland-Export group, which attract the best polish companies ( exporters and importers).
There are 14 internet services in Poland-Export group, they are available in 9 languages. According to the fact that our partnership network is developing I would like to offer you a cooperation which will be based on placing information about company from both sides. We can place your banner together with descripton on 14 of our services in Partnership sector http://www.poland-export.pl/links/world/ http://www.poland-export.com/links/world/ . We would also like you to place information about our company. Tomasz Winnicki Poland-Export Ul. Puszczyka 17/19 02-785 Warszawa Tel. +48 22 855 13 06 22 643 48 25 Fax. +48 22 855 13 07 Tel kom. 0 500 040 748 e-mail:
Contact: Tomasz Winnicki <