I am John He in
Beyond Tech Inc. , which are a factory of FIBER LASER CUTTING
I attained your information from
the internet and seeking chances to work with you , highly appreciate for your
precious time , our manufacturer are the biggest volumn fiber laser cutter maker
these years .
We are good at :
Plate Fiber
Tube Fiber Laser
Tube and Plate Combined Fiber Laser
Application = kitchen ware ,
shelves , furniture , fabrication , cabinet , signage etc .
Capability Plate 0.5-50 mm thickness & customized plate size ; Tube 0.5-10mm
thickness & 10-325 mm diameter .
Laser source = from 500w -
Subject cutted = carbon steel , stainless steel , aluminium , brass
, copper .
Hope to hear from you soon, our
local agent of your places or marketing dept will reach you . Good
distributor and agent for our machines in new and blank markets are requiring
, let me know if you want to be with us .
Beyond tech Inc.
Foreign marketing dept.
lasercutter.jh @ vip.163.com
Cell : 0086 -15989961204
Tel : 0086 -
1. Exc ell en t qu alit y of light beam
2. Hi
las er c utti ng mac hi ne under th e same po wer. gh ly cut tin g s peed : the 2 times by co 2
p hoto elec tri c co nve rsion Very hig h stabi lity an d e ffic iency of
cost Ver y lo w usi ng cost an d m ain tena nce
mai nt ena nce Conv eni ent prod uct oper ation and
vo lume and stru cture V ery str ong sof t o ptica l eff ects : com pact
dampi ng ma chine t ool bed, g oo d r igid, Ga ntr y d oubl e dr ivi ng st ructu re , hig h
d river a nd impo rte d tr an sm iss io n sy stem , th e m ovi ng str uc tur e o f m achi ne to ol
ado pts i mpor ted ge ar and r ack t ransm is sion , li near guide trac k for guid ing,
en sur ing th e hi gh sp ee d,hi gh pre cisi on an d high r elia bili ty of
eq uipm ent. This mo del adopt s i mpor te d AC ser vo sys tem
FROM: kwbbhibyj <