lagoon,Mexico,FOR SALE
CONTACT:Bernard Deschamps . Email :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The title mine =E2=80=9CRELAMPAGO=E2=80=9D(CUITZEO LAGOON,MICHOACAN,MEXICO)of 50 000 has
covered up most of the salt lake of cuitzeo, its FOR SALE,for your
company ,if its your interest.
This is located at 25km to the north of the capital of the
state of Michoacán, Mexico.
THE SECURITY is absolute : (3 geologists that have worked more than 3
months, plus a sounding campaign of 1 month with no problem at all).
It`s found 256kms going from the capital of Mêxico, and 300kms
from the Làzaro Cardenas port.
Guadalajara Highway to Mêxico D.F (Mex-15) the length of the lagoon is
between 200km-250kms it`s in very good conditions .
So,others :
=C2· Federal Route number 13 - from Morelia to Guanajuato.
=C2· Railway with merchandise that arrives at the Làzaro Cardenas
commercial port .
The international aerodrome is at 10km from MORELIA(Capital Estate of
MICHOACAN) and 5km from THE lagoon of CUITZEO.
INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES: Industrial electricity, water , and all services
at the MORELIA CITY (banks, hotels, etc.)
from April 26th 2011 to April 25th 2061.
Geological studies (in French and English).
Sample cards of soundings, surface cards of titles and mines.
Original certificate of the lab analysis, method of analysis.
Valuation of possible reserves.
=C2· Exploration plan of the lagoon
=C2· Average value of the elements contained at the lagoon.
Lithium (li ):520 ppm Lithium oxyde Lithium carbonate : 1,350 ppm, all
together results of the samples of the surface and soundings).average
The tests position takes at the board inside the geological studies, and
the drillings position.
GOLD: The analysis result will be 0’6grs/t, a 1,00 grs/t , .
BORON: the value is very high over 21 samples; el average is 1624grs/t
SODIUM: Average value: 514,00 ppm (514grs/t).
POTASIUM: Average value of the combined samples : 50,400.00 ppm
(Approximately 300 samples, of surface and depth):
MAGNESIUM: Average value 70 ppm.
Elements presents :
Lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, promethium, samarium, europium,
gadolinium , and yterbium. Results analysis result drilling c 6201.
Material consistence above and under the lagoon surface floor: proportion
almost equivalent between clay/sand/mud.
Estimate of the possible reserves (each estimate is based on the calculated
volum of the primary material extracted over 2/3 of the lagoon surface,
with a depth of 30 meters)
GOLD: 300 000 tons: 14 trillions of USD. .
LITHIUM: 2, 410, 995.00 tons of carbonated lithium.
BORON: 2, 898, 000.00 tons of boron.
SODIUM: 90 ,035, 615.00 tons of sodium.
POTASIUM: 41, 313 ,825.00 tons of potassium.
MAGNESIUM: 126 735.00 tons of magnesium.
Extremely low/cheap, around 600 USD./ ton compared to the exploration price
of a lithium mine in rock, in Canada is around 1,800 USD/ton).
MATERIAL TEXTURE: The lagoon material is a mixture of clay, sand and muds,
with very litle grinding, with no costs of extraction of the rock, nor mine
shafts, everything outdoors (dragging’s) nor grinding stones.
In this case; the treatment plant could be installed at the same place (no
cargo cost) or transportation.
CONTACT : Bernard Deschamps
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FROM: bernard deschamps This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.