Want Access to Europe?

Compliance with the *NEW Cosmetic Regulation EC 1223/2009*, which shall
come fully into force as of *July 11th 2013 (!)* is your gateway to Europe!
What is required of you now to place your *Cosmetic products in the EU
• *All Cosmetic products* require a *Safety Assessment* report!
• *All Cosmetic products* require an *upgraded PIF* !
• *All Cosmetic products* require a *"Pre-Market Notification" to the CPNP!
• *All Non-EU Manufacturers* – *MUST* appoint a SINGLE (!) *EU Responsible
Person* to cover the entire European Union!

Meet Obelis at IN-COSMETICS!
Obelis European Responsible Person Center (O.E.R.P.C.)* is excited to
announce its annual participation at *IN-COSMETICS 2013*.
The event will take place in *Paris, FRANCE* on the *16th -18th of April,
Obelis Management along with the Team will be at your disposal during the
whole course of the day in *STAND # T46*.
To *schedule an appointment*, please feel free to contact us via e-mail :
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling our office at *+32.2.732.5954

A portion of our SERVICES include:
- *Classification* services
- *Product Information File* (PIF) Review
- Support on *Safety Assessment* administration
- *EU Responsible Person* covering 31 EEA countries
- *Incident reporting* and Handling
- *Pre- market Notification
- *Nano Notification* & *Guidance on Animal Testing
- *Labeling Compliance* & Translation (over 40 languages)
- Guidance on *GMP Compliance
- Communication of *Serious Undesirable Effect* (SUE)
- Guidance on *Post Marketing Surveillance
- *International Representation* (15 Global Markets)
- *Trade Mark* Submission
- Permitted claims and *regulatory advice
©2013 Obelis s.a. | Bd. Général Wahis, 53 1030 Brussels, Belgium


FROM: Obelis s.a. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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