Specifation :
Panax Ginseng Extract 6-10\% Ginsenosides HPLC/UV
Panax Ginseng Roots Extract 6-30% GinsenosidesHPLC/UV
Panax Ginseng Leaves Extract80%-90% GinsenosidesUV
Panax ginseng Extract Ginsenoside
What is Panax ginseng Extract:
Ginseng is the dried root of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. (Fam. Araliaceae).The drug derived from the cultivated form is known as "Yuanshen' (Garden Ginseng) and the drug derived from the wild origin is known as "Shanshen" (Wild Ginseng).The drug is collected in autumn and washed clean. Sun-dried or bake dried. Yuanshen is known as "Shengshaishen" (Sun-dried Ginseng).After steamed dried Yuanshen is known as "Hongshen" (Red Ginseng).Sun-dried Shanshen is known as "Shengshaishanshen" (Sun-dried Wild Ginseng).
To reinforce the vital energy,to remedy collapse and restore the normal pulse, to benefit the spleen and lung, to promote the production of body fluid and to calm the nerves.
Prostration with impending collapse marked by cold limbs and faint pulse; diminished function of the spleen with-loss of appetite; cough and dyspnea due to diminished function of the lung;thirst due to impairment of body fluid,of diabetes caused by internal heat; general weakness with irritability and insomnia in chronic diseases; impotence or frigidity; heart failure, cardiogenic shock.
Precaution: Incompatible with Rhizoma et Radix Veratri.
A leading manufacturer and supplier of herbal extracts in China
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Attn: Mr.Andy bi