We True Light Sports are one of the leading Manufacturers and Exporters in Sialkot, Pakistan.
We are manufacturing high quality Sports balls like American Foot ball, Rugby ball, Baseball, Soft ball, Hurling ball, Shinty ball, Promotional ball, Foot ball, Volley ball, Beach volley ball, Hand ball, Basket ball, Tennis ball, Sala ball and Sports
Wears like Soccer shirts, Rugby shirts, Polo shirts, Base ball shirts
Track suits, Leather Wears & Accessories etc.
Our obsession with excellence does not allow us to compromise on quality since the product we
offer are professionally designed beautifully crafted, yet reasonable priced.
Please ensure if you take start business with us we can supply you our best quality product &
most economical price.
If you need any type of samples to check our quality & workmanship
please send us your samples inquiry.
Note:- (If you want sample please tell us which one you like and if you have any target price of Product in your
mind please tell us it will help us to provide you best quality product in your price range)
You can fax, mail or phone us
Waiting for your kind reply
With best Regards
Saqib Saeed.
True Light Sports
19/620 Mujahid Road
Sialkot, 51310, Pakistan.
Tel : 92-300-6128290
Fax : 92-432-589446
E-mail :
URL : www.tlightsports.com