The largest Cities in Europe ranked by their company's total sale

We do not rank the cities in Europe by their inhabitants. We counted the total sales of all big companies in each European city and published here a very unique ranking of the largest cities in Europe. The deadline for this ranking was 2007-05-01.

In a similar ranking, where we sorted all cities by the number of their big companies we created also the equivalence of this page.
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top500 Database

Pos. Last P. City No Co. Total Sales  
901(901)West End (United Kingdom)24,423
902(902)Lincoln (United Kingdom)704,422
903(903)Prokopevsk (Russia)34,419
904(904)Voronezh (Russia)264,417
905(905)Charenton-Le-Pont (France)84,412
906(906)Mechelen (Belgium)494,404
907(907)Hørsholm, Horsholm, Hoersholm (Denmark)224,391
908(908)Saint Apollinaire (France)64,388
909(909)Tab (Hungary)24,384
910(910)Troyan (Bulgaria)24,381
911(911)Boxmeer (Netherlands)104,371
912(912)Pinsk (Belarus)34,370
913(913)Ochtrup (Germany)144,368
914(914)Vejle (Denmark)404,354
915(915)Hounslow (United Kingdom)324,351
916(916)Modena (Italy)1024,347
917(917)Frankenthal (Pfalz) (Germany)144,347
918(918)Reutlingen (Germany)914,340
919(919)Slavyansk-Na-Kubane (Russia)14,333
920(920)Olten (Switzerland)184,311
921(921)Brest (France)714,305
922(922)Almussafes (Spain)14,303
923(923)Mérignac, Merignac (France)344,286
924(924)Grugliasco (Italy)244,262
925(925)Sokolov (Czech Republic)64,257
926(926)Kogalym (Russia)74,252
927(927)Chandlers Ford (United Kingdom)14,245
928(928)St. Gallen (Switzerland)434,242
929(929)Grimsby (United Kingdom)494,241
930(930)Otelu Rosu, Otelu Rosu, Ferdinandsberg (Romania)14,239
931(931)Sant Joan Despi (Spain)54,235
932(932)Yurga (Russia)34,207
933(933)Surbiton (United Kingdom)224,200
934(934)Cirencester (United Kingdom)204,176
935(935)Plymouth (United Kingdom)524,173
936(936)Brighton (United Kingdom)664,170
937(937)Viroflay (France)64,168
938(938)Cologno Monzese (Italy)314,165
939(939)Cinisello Balsamo (Italy)574,157
940(940)Oberkochen (Germany)94,143
941(941)Crewe (United Kingdom)354,140
942(942)Wembley (United Kingdom)474,135
943(943)Prato (Italy)824,126
944(944)Chelmno (Poland)14,112
945(945)Neumünster, Neumuenster (Germany)474,106
946(946)Marne La Vallée, Marne La Vallee (France)144,094
947(947)Guildford (United Kingdom)544,093
948(948)Le Havre (France)654,087
949(949)Jelgava (Latvia)34,087
950(950)Dordrecht (Netherlands)604,080

1..50 801..850, 851..900, 901..950, 951..1000, 1001..1050 28801..28850
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters. For Questions, hints, compliments, suggestions please use the forum (English and German).

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