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The Top500-Lexicon

The lexicon of the top500 ( The Encyclopedia for Classification Codes ) explains the codes and definitions in the world of economical classifications.

NAICS Code 3399 Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing

The NAICS Code 3399 is described as
Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing
It belongs to the code group
NAICS Code 339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing

To this Code "3399" belongs the sub codes
  • NAICS Code 33991: Jewelry and Silverware Manufacturing
    (Jewelry and Silverware Manufacturing)
  • NAICS Code 33992: Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing
  • NAICS Code 33993: Doll, Toy, and Game Manufacturing
    (Doll, Toy, and Game Manufacturing)
  • NAICS Code 33994: Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing
    (Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing)
  • NAICS Code 33995: Sign Manufacturing
  • NAICS Code 33999: All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing

The equivalent ISIC Code (Rev. 3.1) is
1729: Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.
  Fabrication d'articles textiles n.c.a.

The nearest NACE Code (Rev. 1.1) is
17.53: Herstellung von Vliesstoff und Erzeugnissen daraus (ohne Bekleidung) - Herstellung von Vliesstoffen und Erzeugnissen daraus (ohne Bekleidung)
17.53: Manufacture of non-wovens and articles made from non-wovens, except apparel - Manufacture of nonwovens and articles made from nonwovens, except apparel
17.53: Fabrication de non-tissés et articles en ces matières, à l'exclusion des articles d'habillement
17.53: Fabbricazione di tessuti non tessuti e di articoli in tali materie, esclusi gli articoli di vestiario
17.53: Fabricacion de telas no tejidas y articulos confeccionados con estas, excepto prendas de vestir
17.53: Vervaardiging van gebonden textielvlies en van artikelen van gebonden textielvlies, exclusief kleding
17.53: Fremstilling af fiberdug og varer heraf undtagen beklædningsartikler

The equivalent CPC Code (Rev. 1.1) is
xxxx: No Code defined

Translation of the Code description
3399: Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing

Alternative Spellings (synonyms): Manufactoring, Manufaktur
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