The NAICS Code 3359 is described as
Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing Description
This industry group comprises establishments manufacturing electrical equipment and components (except electric lighting equipment, household-type appliances, transformers, switchgear, relays, motors, and generators).
(2019-08-02) It belongs to the code group
NAICS Code 335 Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing
To this Code "3359" belongs the sub codes
- NAICS Code 33591: Battery Manufacturing
(Battery Manufacturing)
- NAICS Code 33592: Communication and Energy Wire and Cable Manufacturing
(Communication and Energy Wire and Cable Manufacturing)
- NAICS Code 33593: Wiring Device Manufacturing
(Wiring Device Manufacturing)
- NAICS Code 33599: All Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing
The equivalent ISIC Code (Rev. 3.1) is
2520: | Manufacture of plastics products |
| Fabrication d'articles en matières plastiques |
The nearest NACE Code (Rev. 1.1) is
25.21: | Herstellung von Platten, Folien, Schläuchen und Profilen aus Kunststoffen - Herstellung von Plattern, Folien, Schlaü chen und Profilen aus Kunststoff |
25.21: | Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profiles - Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profiles |
25.21: | Fabrication de plaques, feuilles, tubes et profilés en matières plastiques |
25.21: | Fabbricazione di lastre, fogli, tubi e profilati in materie plastiche |
25.21: | Fabricacion de placas, hojas, tubos y perfiles de materias plasticas |
25.21: | Vervaardiging van platen, vellen, buizen en profielen, van kunststof |
25.21: | Fremstilling af plader, ark, r�r og slanger samt profiler af plast |
The equivalent CPC Code (Rev. 1.1) is
Translation of the Code description
3359: | Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing |