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The Top500-Lexicon

The lexicon of the top500 ( The Encyclopedia for Classification Codes ) explains the codes and definitions in the world of economical classifications.

NAICS Code 237210 Land Subdivision

The NAICS Code 237210 is described as
Land Subdivision
  • Building lot subdividing
  • Land (except cemeteries) subdividers
  • Land acquisition, assembling and subdividing
  • Land subdividing and utility installation (e.g., electric, sewer and water)
  • Real estate (except cemeteries) subdividers
  • Real property (except cemeteries) subdivision
  • Subdividers, real estate
  • Subdividing real estate

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in servicing raw land and subdividing real property into lots, for subsequent sale to builders. Servicing of raw land may include excavation work for the installation of roads and utility lines. The extent of work may vary from project to project. Land subdivision precedes building activity and the subsequent building is often residential, but may also be commercial tracts and industrial parks. These establishments may do all the work themselves or subcontract the work to others. Establishments that perform only the legal subdivision of land are not included in this industry.
Establishments primarily engaged in-
· Constructing buildings, for sale, on lots they subdivide-are classified in Industry Group 2361, Residential Building Construction, or Industry Group 2362, Nonresidential Building Construction, based on the type of construction project;
· Installing roads on a subcontract basis for land subdividers-are classified in Industry 237310, Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction;
· Installing utilities on a subcontract basis for land subdividers-are classified in Industry Group 2371, Utility System Construction;
· Preparing land owned by others for building construction-are classified in Industry 23891, Site Preparation Contractors;
· Constructing buildings, for rent or own use, on lots they subdivide-are classified in Industry Group 5311, Lessors of Real Estate; and
· Legal subdivision of land without land preparation-are classified elsewhere in the classification system based on the primary activity of the establishment.


It belongs to the code group
NAICS Code 23721 (Inofficial Code)

To this Code "237210" belongs the sub codes
(No direct sub codes available)

The equivalent ISIC Code (Rev. 3.1) is
7010: Real estate activities with own or leased property
  Activités immobilières sur biens propres ou loués

The nearest NACE Code (Rev. 1.1) is
70.11: Erschließung von Grundstücken - Erschließung von eigenen Grundstücken
70.11: Development and selling of real estate - Development and selling of real estate
70.11: Promotion immobilière
70.11: Valorizzazione e vendita immobiliare
70.11: Promocion inmobiliaria por cuenta propia
70.11: Projectontwikkeling
70.11: Udstykning af fast ejendom

The equivalent CPC Code (Rev. 1.1) is
xxxx: No Code defined

Translation of the Code description
237210: Land Subdivision

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