Pos. |
Last P. |
City |
No Co. |
Total Sales |
1 | (1) | London, Londres (United Kingdom) | 3,455 | 5,420,317 |
2 | (2) | Paris (France) | 2,485 | 2,701,674 |
3 | (3) | Moskva, Moscow, Moskau, Moscou (Russia) | 914 | 1,574,318 |
4 | (4) | Oslo (Norway) | 1,498 | 1,155,419 |
5 | (5) | Madrid (Spain) | 1,130 | 706,484 |
6 | (6) | Bruxelles, Brussels, Brüssel (Belgium) | 916 | 640,441 |
7 | (7) | Chester (United Kingdom) | 52 | 585,714 |
8 | (8) | München, Munich (Germany) | 1,260 | 483,064 |
9 | (10) | Hamburg, Hambourg (Germany) | 1,620 | 474,433 |
10 | (12) | Stuttgart (Germany) | 601 | 408,218 |
11 | (13) | Frankfurt am Main, Francfort-sur-le-Main (Germany) | 702 | 403,995 |
12 | (14) | Stockholm (Sweden) | 1,272 | 397,855 |
13 | (9) | Düsseldorf, Duesseldorf (Germany) | 680 | 394,332 |
14 | (15) | Roma, Rome, Rom (Italy) | 437 | 390,683 |
15 | (16) | Angers (France) | 82 | 340,850 |
16 | (17) | Milano, Milan, Mailand (Italy) | 1,032 | 293,178 |
17 | (21) | Köln, Cologne (Germany) | 736 | 283,576 |
18 | (18) | Wien, Vienna, Vienne (Austria) | 852 | 282,789 |
19 | (19) | Berlin (Germany) | 1,338 | 279,205 |
20 | (20) | Essen (Germany) | 399 | 274,661 |
21 | (22) | Amsterdam (Netherlands) | 426 | 256,796 |
22 | (23) | Ankara (Turkey) | 67 | 242,268 |
23 | (25) | Zürich, Zurich (Switzerland) | 346 | 218,832 |
24 | (26) | Surgut (Russia) | 16 | 217,712 |
25 | (27) | Bertrange, Bartringen (Luxembourg) | 11 | 211,806 |
26 | (28) | Helsinki, Helsinki (Finland) | 2,095 | 207,062 |
27 | (29) | Warszawa, Warsaw, Warschau (Poland) | 466 | 195,621 |
28 | (30) | Praha, Prague, Prag (Czech Republic) | 535 | 190,389 |
29 | (31) | Budapest (Hungary) | 624 | 182,312 |
30 | (32) | Espoo (Finland) | 684 | 179,712 |
31 | (33) | Hannover, Hanover (Germany) | 414 | 169,337 |
32 | (34) | Bucuresti, Bucharest, Bukarest (Romania) | 244 | 168,088 |
33 | (35) | Barcelona, Barcelone (Spain) | 529 | 167,199 |
34 | (24) | Bonn, Bonne (Germany) | 186 | 164,134 |
35 | (36) | Bracknell (United Kingdom) | 58 | 155,929 |
36 | (37) | Newbury (United Kingdom) | 52 | 155,364 |
37 | (38) | Boulogne-Billancourt (France) | 149 | 153,901 |
38 | (68) | Vélizy-Villacoublay, Velizy-Villacoublay (France) | 59 | 152,876 |
39 | (39) | Basel, Basle, Bâle (Switzerland) | 138 | 149,497 |
40 | (40) | Torino, Turin (Italy) | 230 | 147,070 |
41 | (41) | Markranstädt, Markranstaedt (Germany) | 2 | 141,096 |
42 | (42) | Rotterdam (Netherlands) | 288 | 140,662 |
43 | (43) | Den Haag, The Hague, La Haye (Netherlands) | 163 | 140,196 |
44 | (44) | Athinai, Athens, Athen, Athènes (Greece) | 411 | 136,735 |
45 | (45) | Zaandam (Netherlands) | 45 | 124,053 |
46 | (46) | Lysaker (Norway) | 85 | 121,154 |
47 | (47) | Bondoufle (France) | 20 | 118,428 |
48 | (48) | København, Copenhagen, Kopenhagen (Denmark) | 312 | 116,692 |
49 | (49) | Lisboa, Lisbon, Lissabon, Lisbonne (Portugal) | 421 | 111,390 |
50 | (50) | Sankt Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Saint-Péterbourg (Russia) | 172 | 110,038 |
, 51..100
, 101..150
, 151..200
, 201..250
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters.
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