A New or Corrected Entry for the Top500 of Europe (Id: 1732)

With this form you can enter new data or change data about your company which is listed in one of our top500 lists.
You can skip all fields where the data are unchanged. Just enter changed data.
If you want to delete just enter the new data, or enter a "-" for complete deleting the old values.
The official complete (registered) name of the company
The office or an extension of the company name.
Example: "Headquarter" (optional field)
Street 2:
Extension of the street name (second line)
Country: Use the car plate sign, like D, F, UK oder the Internet-Domains like de, fr, uk or just simple text.
The City (use your national spelling)
Subdivision: (optional)
Zip code
Zip code of the Post Office Box (POB)
Number/Name of the Post Office Box (optional)

The phone number of the head office Please include the international dialling code. (Example: +44 for The United Kingdom)

The fax number of the head office Please include the international dialling code. (Example: +49 for Germany)
Your homepage is: http://www.colefaxgroupplc.com
The official E-Mail address of your company. As an alternative you can enter here the address of an internet based form, where interested people can send you a message. :
Annual sales *:

Please enter the annual sales of your company including the currency.
Example (English format): "12,000,000.00 Euro" , (German format): "12.000.000,00 Euro".
You can also use shortcuts like Mill=Million, Bill=Billion
Example: 12 Mill. Euro, or 12 Bill Euro = 12,000 Mill Euro = 12,000,000,000.00 Euro
If your sales is not published, you can use keywords like "roughly" or "about".
* As a Bank please indicate the amount of your assets, as an insurance please write the net-premium.
  Annual sales (last year): 80 to less than 90 M Euro (2017)
Fiscal years ends:
The end of the fiscal year. Please use the format yyyy-mm-dd or your national format with 4 digits for the year. Example: 2022-12-31
Number of Employees:

The number should represent the number of full time employees. Example: If 10 persons are working full time and 30 persons are working part time (50%) then calculate 10+15 and enter a total of 25 employees.
Currently we assume:
Number of employees:400 to less than 500 (2017)
Main Industries:
List of
NACE Codes
The main industries of your company. Each with at least 25% of your annual sales.
Please enter the NACE code(s) or just plain text.
Currently we have attached the following codes to your company:
D: Manufacturer
G: wholesale and distributors
G: Retailers
J: transport and communication
K: Banks, insurances and other financial activities
K: Insurances
01.11: Growing of cereals etc.
11: Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas/ service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction excluding surveying
13: Mining of metal ores
13.2: Mining of non-ferrous metal ores, except uranium and thorium ores
15.72: Manufacture of prepared pet foods
15.81: Herstellung von Backwaren
21.21: Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and of containers of paper and paperboard
22: Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media
22.1: Publishing
22.12: Publishing of daily newspapers
24: Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
24.14: Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals
24.52: Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations
27.5: Casting of metals
27.51: Eisengießerei
27.52: Casting of steel
31.1: Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers
31.2: Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus
31.3: Manufacture of insulated wire and cable
32: Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus
51.11: Handelsvermittlung von Getreide, Saaten und Futtermitteln
51.15: Handelsvermittlung von Möbeln und Einrichtungsgegenständen
51.17: Handelsvermittl. v. Nahrungsmitteln, Getränken u. Tabakwaren
52.11: Retail sale in department stores and the like with food, beverages and tobacco predominating
52.44: Retail sale of furniture, carpets and rugs
74.15: Beteiligungsgesellschaften mit Schwerpunkt im Produzierenden Gewerbe
74.4: Advertising
Additional industries:
List of
NACE Codes
The additional industries of your company. Each with at least 5% of your annual sales.
Please enter the NACE code(s) or just plain text.

Top Management

Function: Academic Title, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name of the CEO (Top Executive Manager, chairman) of your company.
Example: "CEO: Mr. Dr. Valérie Giscard D'Estaing"
If you think, it might be necessary, you can add the gender like "Mr." or "Ms."
Other members of the Top Management :
Put each Name on one line leaded by the Job Title followed by a colon. Example:
Chief Financial Officer: Mr. John Smith
Description of your company's activities:

Are we allowed to publish your logo?
yes no
Internal data
The following data are only for our communication with you. If we have some questions about the form, we will use this address. If requested, you will get a mail with all stored data about your company.

These data will not be published or used for any other purpose.
Other hints, comments or information::
More information about your company or other suggestions.
Your Name:
Your E-Mail:
Receipt yes no
Do you want to be informed by an e-mail when your data are checked and the published record is updated?
Enter here the security code which you got by eMail or let the field unchanged


Thank you for filling out the form.

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(Last change: 2023-12-04)