The largest Cities in Europe ranked by their company's total sale

We do not rank the cities in Europe by their inhabitants. We counted the total sales of all big companies in each European city and published here a very unique ranking of the largest cities in Europe. The deadline for this ranking was 2007-05-01.

In a similar ranking, where we sorted all cities by the number of their big companies we created also the equivalence of this page.
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top500 Database

Pos. Last P. City No Co. Total Sales  
20301(20334)Reux (France)111
20302(20335)Revere (Italy)111
20303(20336)Revine Lago (Italy)111
20304(20337)Rhode-Saint-Gen�se, Rhode-Saint-Genese (Belgium)111
20305(20338)Richtenberg (Germany)111
20306(20339)Rickenbach B. Wil (Switzerland)111
20307(20340)Ried (Germany)111
20308(20341)Riedisheim (France)111
20309(20342)Rives Sur Fure (France)111
20310(20343)R�bel, Roebel (Germany)111
20311(20344)Roccafranca (Italy)111
20312(20345)Rochetoirin (France)111
20313(20346)Roggwil (Switzerland)111
20314(20347)Rojales Alicante (Spain)111
20315(20348)R�ngu, Rongu (Estonia)111
20316(20349)Roville Aux Chenes (France)111
20317(20350)Ruisbruck (Belgium)111
20318(20351)Rully (France)111
20319(20352)Runkel-Dehrn (Germany)111
20320(20353)S Martinho do Campo (Portugal)111
20321(20354)Saacy Sur Marne (France)111
20322(20355)Sacquenville (France)111
20323(20356)Sahurs (France)111
20324(20357)Saignon (France)111
20325(20358)Saint Affrique (France)111
20326(20359)Saint Ambroix (France)111
20327(20360)Saint Aubin (France)111
20328(20361)Saint Barthelemy (France)111
20329(20362)Saint Bonnet De Mure (France)111
20330(20363)Saint Brandan (France)111
20331(20364)Saint Chely D'Apcher (France)111
20332(20365)Saint Clement (France)111
20333(20366)Saint Clement De Riviere (France)111
20334(20367)Saint Georges Buttavent (France)111
20335(20368)Saint Georges Sur L'Aa (France)111
20336(20369)Saint Germain La Ville (France)111
20337(20370)Saint Gervais Les Bains (France)111
20338(20371)Saint Jean Cap Ferrat (France)111
20339(20372)Saint Jean De Blaignac (France)111
20340(20373)Saint Laurent Les Tours (France)111
20341(20374)Saint Leger Du Bourg Denis (France)111
20342(20375)Saint Leonard De Noblat (France)111
20343(20376)Saint Marc Le Blanc (France)111
20344(20377)Saint Martin De Crau (France)111
20345(20378)Saint Martin De Landelles (France)111
20346(20379)Saint Martin De Re (France)111
20347(20380)Saint Nicolas De La Grave (France)111
20348(20381)Saint Nicolas Du Pelem (France)111
20349(20382)Saint Pierre Quiberon (France)111
20350(20383)Saint Pol Sur Ternoise (France)111

1..50 20201..20250, 20251..20300, 20301..20350, 20351..20400, 20401..20450 28801..28850
Remarks: (more ...)
We list all important cities in Europe (including Russia and Turkey).
We define the size of a city by the total sales of all its big companies.
Big companies must have at least one million Euro annual sales.
See also a similar list of cities ranked by the number of headquarters. For Questions, hints, compliments, suggestions please use the forum (English and German).

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